Odor absorbers & air fresheners

Getting smells out of an offensive purse. Best way of getting rid of a foul odor in purse.

A reader of my blog turned me on to a new one smell  problem and odor solution, that I had never thought of….purse odor and bad purse and  foul bag and luggage smells. She said, ” I  have one very offensive-smelly “knock off” purse that I bought in NYC and had heard this product works well.”  So she got her Fridge it at  www.fridgeit.com  and reported it cleared up the odor problem. 

But actually she is right.  I bought one of those pashmina type knock off scarfs and when I brought it home and opened the bag, it smelled like old goat.  I had to air it out for a year, so now it is OK, but if it gets wet in the winter, I am back to old goat smell. I keep in in a plastic bag with a Fridge it odor absorber and it always smells fresh when I take it out.

So I now know that Fridge It naturally activated odor absorber works inside smelly  knock off purses and for “old goat” scarfs.  Who would of thought of purses being smelly….  But I sure know my scarf was really smelly.

Added note:  I have also gotten feedback it works for removing the odor from the plastic in purses, as well as great reports that is really works in smelly musical instrument cases.