Odor absorbers & air fresheners

Where do I buy Fridge-It?

Where can I buy Fridge It odor absorbers is frequently searched online, by those who know the product or read about the product . Fridge It is sold online, direct from the manufacturer,  as well found at retail by going to Fridge It Retailers

For many years FridgeIt was sold at WalMart and Linens n things for over 10 years, but not at the moment.  Fridge-It is the same natural activated charcoal odor absorber, now in cube and wafer.   Fridge It is made in the USA, at a plant that hires adults with disabilities.

Fridge It has grown in popularity and is now sold in 4 countries-  US, UK and Canada and Australia.  It is used for refrigerator and freezer odor, removing dead mouse odor from behind walls, closet odor and trash and garage that smells using natural activated charcoal, which is eco-friendly, fragrance free and non toxic.

Where to buy Fridge It Odor Absorber.

Fridge It
Fridge It

I have had readers of my blog ask where to buy Fridge It on line or how to find it at retailer. They ask abount Fridge It Activated Odor Absorber cube or flat wafer  www.fridgeit com and what does it look like.  It is a purple colored cube that removes the odors from RV’s refrigerators, freezers, diaper pails.  So it is not hard to miss on the shelf, about  2 inches by 2 inches.  Some just ask for the purple cube named Fridge It  odor absorber. There is also now a flat wafer version.

 I checked with the manufacturer and you can get it at retailers like Camping World, Sur La Table and US Military Commissaries or you can easily order on line at Fridgeit.com

They said if you cannot find it at retail, give the clerk the following UPC code to find it in their systems, Fridge It #  0 97359 01994 4, you can also call 602-866-0411 to customer service who can tell you where the closest store to you is, or if you will have to order by email at  fridgeitorders@innofresh.com or visit the web site www.fridgeit.com  

PS: Also they said the Innofresh auto odor eliminator is a flat wafer product sold under the Innofresh auto odor eliminator brand  www.innofresh.com   and is available at auto supply stores, such as  Checker auto, Schucks auto, Kragen auto and Murrys auto which can also be used for more than cars and auto odor.